🆘Getting Support

Before you continue reading, ensure you have the latest agent version, see How to Check Your Agent Version. Most problems are resolved once the agent version is updated.

Prerequisites to Using ZeroWork

  1. First and foremost, before you attempt to look for help, be sure to have watched all videos in our beginner crash course on YouTube.

  2. If you build TaskBots for social media platforms, Amazon, Google or any other challenging website and your issue is about selectors, be sure to watch all videos in our selector crash course on YouTube. You won't be able to automate challenging websites without understanding how to build custom selectors.

Use Available Resources

What Is Included in Support

DIY: We're a no-code platform, so you need to dive in and build TaskBots yourself. Remember we can't build or troubleshoot TaskBots for your specific automation scenario.

Included in support:

  • Account and billing issues

  • Agent installation and TaskBot launch issues

  • Fixing reported bugs based on description or screen recording of reproducible steps

Not included in support:

  • TaskBot troubleshooting

  • Building or helping you build a TaskBot or parts of it for your specific automation scenario

  • Anything related to selectors, as selectors are not specific to ZeroWork

Your Issue Is Not Included in Support? Here Are Alternative Ways to Get Help

  • Community Help: You will get the speediest help from the ZeroWork community. Simply join Discord group and create a post in the community-help forum where you can share what you've tried so far and what the issue is. Another benefit of joining Discord is that you will get access to pre-built TaskBot subflows (check subflow-library), cheatsheets and many other helpful resources. While community help is not guaranteed, most inquiries are answered on the same day, and many of ZeroWork community members eagerly volunteer to help with TaskBot troubleshooting, share useful tips, fix selectors and more. (Just remember that community help is all about give and take, so once you get help, we'd love to see you help others, too. 🙂)

  • Hire a ZeroWork Expert: For guaranteed help with your specific automation scenario or selector, consider hiring a certified ZeroWork expert: https://www.zerowork.io/hire-an-expert. (Note: ZeroWork does not receive any commission from these services.)

How to Reach Support Team

  • Discord: Join Discord group and make your support inquiry in support forum.

  • Email: Our support email is support@zerowork.io. Before sending an email to support@zerowork.io, be sure to carefully review what is included and what is not included. For any account- or billing-related issues, be sure to use email and not Discord.

Response is faster on Discord than per email. But for account-specific issues (refunds, cancellations, email address change, billing issues) be sure to only use email.

Do not send/post the same inquiry both per email and Discord. This will only increase the processing time.

Processing Time

Although most requests are handled on the same day, this is not guaranteed. It might take up to 2 business days to process your request. Additionally, although requests are often resolved on weekends, this is not guaranteed either.

How to Make Your Support Request

For any support request (except those related to account and billing issues), always include:

  1. Link to your workflow

  2. Screenshots of relevant logs and error details (see Using Run Reports)

  3. Video recording of your issue, if applicable

  4. Step-by-step description of how to reproduce the issue

Special Case: Your Agent Doesn't Run

If your problem is related to not being able to start the agent or the TaskBot is not running at all, carefully review this article My TaskBot Does Not Start Run. If none of the suggested solutions in that article helped, reach out to support.

Last updated