Apply Regex

The Apply Regex building block allows you to perform advanced text formatting and manipulation using regular expressions.


  1. Replace text Replaces text matching the given regular expression with a replacement value.

    • Example 1: Replace the first occurrence of "birds" with "dogs": Input Text: "cats eat birds and birds fly" Regex: /birds/ Replacement: "dogs" Result: "cats eat dogs and birds fly"

    • Example 2: Replace all occurrences of "birds" with "dogs": Regex: /birds/g Result: "cats eat dogs and dogs fly"

  2. Extract matches Extracts text that matches the given regular expression.

    • Example 1: Extract the first match of "abc": Input Text: "abcabc" Regex: /abc/ Result: "abc"

    • Example 2: Extract all matches of "abc": Regex: /abc/g Result: ["abc", "abc"]

  3. Check if pattern matches Checks if the text contains a match for the given regular expression and returns true or false.

    • Example: Check if "abc" exists in "abc123": Regex: /abc/ Result: true


You can add flags to modify the behavior of your regular expressions.

Examples of typically used flags:

  • g: Global search (matches all occurrences).

  • i: Case-insensitive search.

  • m: Multiline search.

  • Example: /example/gi performs a global, case-insensitive search.

Use Case Example: Extract Google Sheet IDs

Imagine you have a list of Google Sheets links and need to extract the IDs.

  • Your building block set-up:

  • Result: Extracted ID is "1aBcD_12345_EfGhI67-JklMnOpqrstu890".

Additional Notes

  • If the input text is empty, the TaskBot will take no action and continue running.

  • If your regex is invalid, the TaskBot will generate an error report and stop run/loop.

  • You can validate and test your regex using tools like


I'm not a developer, can I still use regex?

Absolutely! Regex is simply a sequence of characters that specifies a match pattern in text. Anyone can use it. There are many reference guides on the internet to learn more. Here is one example: Regex reference guide.

Last updated