Import Data from CSV

You can either create a new data table from scratch that is created based on CSV data or, import CSV data to an existing data table.

Create a Data Table from a CSV

The data table will be created based on columns inside the Google Sheets link. Upon creation, the data from that Google Sheets link will be imported.

Update Existing Data Table with CSV

You can manually update your data table by importing data from a CSV file. This option is accessible from the data tables page as well as from the data table itself in More Actions.

Make sure that the columns in CSV match the columns in your data table.

If some columns are not matching, the data table will still be updated but non-matching columns which will be left out (ignored).

Sequence of columns in CSV versus your data table does not matter.

Name of the file name versus data table name does not matter either.

Column matching is not case-sensitive.

The data is always appended, unless you check this checkbox. 👇

Checkbox "overwrite current data"

By checking this checkbox, your current data in the data table will be overwritten by the data from CSV. If left unchecked, per default, the data would be appended. This means that the data in your data table would be "merged" with data from your CSV.

Last updated