
This action uploads a file from your data table to a website.

If you select this option, your TaskBot can upload the file to a website (e.g. invoice PDF file to your accounting tool or a picture sent via a DM).

Trigger upload before Upload logic kicks in

First, you need to trigger upload before this block. This means that you have to 'guide' your TaskBot to the actual upload first. In most cases, you would first have to click on an upload button by using its selector in the building block Click Web Element, as shown below.

How to add a file to the data table or variable

There are four ways to add a file that you want your TaskBot to upload.

  • Make TaskBot auto-save a file url to a data table or variable by using the building block: Save File.

  • Make TaskBot auto-save an image file url to a data table or variable by selecting the action Save image in Save Web Element building block.

  • You can manually upload a file from your computer. For this, you need to create a file column. To create a file column, open your data table and click on the button + Add file column. Then simply upload your file manually, as shown below.

If there is no file inside the column you are referencing to, then the TaskBot won't be able to upload anything and you will see an error message that no file was detected in your TaskBot run reports.

Example: Send a picture in your message outreach on Instagram

Imagine you are building a TaskBot that should automatically send direct messages to Instagram profiles. Since Instagram is a visual platform, it makes sense to not only send a text message but also send a picture of your product.

First, you need to get a file into your data table, as described above.

Then, you can set up your TaskBot to first click on the button "Upload picture" (or whatever the button is called in your case) and then add Upload building block, as shown below.

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