Actions +, -, *, /

+ Your TaskBot will add your specified number to the existing number. The value that is added to the existing one can be a number but it can also be text, in which case it will be added to the text in your table (as in "hello" + " world" = "hello world")

- Your TaskBot will subtract your specified number from the existing number. The value must be a number.

* Your TaskBot will multiply the existing number by your specified number. The value must be a number.

/ Your TaskBot will divide the existing number by your specified number. The value must be a number.

Example: Standardize different formats

Imagine your TaskBots saves number of followers to your table. However, the platform of your choice displays the number of followers in a format like "7k" (which stands for 7000). And this can lead to problems if, for example, you want to qualify only those leads that have a certain amount of followers.

To solve this problem, follow the steps below.

  • Step 2: Use Update Data building block with action Multiply to multiply by 1000.

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